Friday, April 17, 2009

Crazy girls getting ready for our daily TORTURE!!!

Every day we climb to the top of the HILTAIN!!!! We named it the Hiltain because we couldn't decide if it was a hill or mountain..... so we combined the two. Nikki isn't too pleased with the name, but too bad for her!! Someday we will get really BUFF and do it twice in ONE day!!! Today was Tobie's first time, she totally DIED!!! And she fell on her BUTT!!!!


  1. lol that sure was a crazy day! i love you girls :) you all keep me young!

  2. Hey Kylee. I was trying to change my profile stuff just for my blog but it ended up changing this one's name and about me pic and stuff. When you see this,which I'm sure you will, could you fix it since you are a blog genius?! I'm too stupid... I love you!


Ky,Kaz,Nik,Kel,&Tob want to hear what you have to say!

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